Sean ”Mack” McDonald (US) LIVE

Den amerikanska legendaren Cadillac Zack som bokat blues sen 1992 kallar Sean ”Mack” McDonald ”the greatest blues discovery of the last 25 years”. I mars kommer han till Malmö!

Caddilac berättar vidare: ”The greatest blues discovery I’ve made over the last 25 years (and I’ve seen thousands of them) is 100% … SEAN ”MACK” McDONALD.

An incredible singer, showman and guitarist like I’ve never witnessed before, he is absolute perfection, the perfect flawless blues package. This young 23-year old, who is so wise and mature beyond his years, has been playing since he was 2 years do! And Mack can play literally any style, but sticks to hardcore 50s and 60s blues like no one you’ve ever seen.

I’ve never been THIS excited about presenting an artist for the first time. I really hope you believe me, after all, I’ve seen it all, and was the first one to bring to California unknown artists like Kingfish, Eddie 9V, The California Honeydrops and many more way before they were known to the wider public.

Sean Mack McDonald is the absolute future of blues. But he is deeply rooted in the past, having blues lineage that goes back three generation in Georgia. As much as I am hyping this artist, believe it or not, you’ll be even more blown away when you see him live, as he has complete mastery of not only his music, but of pacing the most exciting shows possible and thrilling audieces all over the world. Its an interesting time to see him, because he’s just about to break out. Already he’s been headlining festivals all over the word, despite to being signed to a label yet. Just like when Stevie Ray Vaughan was booked to play The Montreux jazz festival before he had ever recorded. Sean Mack McDonald is like a BB King, Buddy Guy, Johnny Guitar Watson, Lightnin’ Hopkins, John Lee Hooker, Tiny Grimes etc in their prime.

Artists like this hardly every come around. I’ll stake my entire reputation on this one.”

VAD: Sean ”Mack” McDonald (US) LIVE
NÄR: Tisdag 11 mars, 2025, dörrar 19:00, på scen 20:00
VAR: Babel, Spångatan 38, Malmö
FÖRKÖP: 285 kr
I DÖRREN: 295 kr
ÅLDER: 18 år, 13 år i målsmans sällskap


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  • Plats : Babel, Spångatan 38, Malmö
    Datum : tisdag 11 mars
    Tid : 19:00 , ( På scen 20.00 )
    Priser :
    • Entré: 285 kr
    • Medlem MCBC: 220 kr
    • Medlem MCBC -Biljett för 3 konserter: 11/3,16/4 o 11/5: 550 kr
    Platser kvar: Platser finns
    Boka / Köp Förköpet stänger: 2025-03-11 17:00