18 december 2001

- Hemsida: https://www.tmr-transmission.com/en
- Kategorier:
Theatre In-Balance
Theatre In-Balance is a Swedish/French, multilingual, cross-border, unique theatre company in Malmö, based both in Sweden and in France; built upon the challenge of gender balance and creating pro-ecological peace art within the performing arts.
Theatre In-Balance (formerly known as TMR) has a history of creating exciting, innovative, lyrical and physical theatre in the US, Sweden and France, combining text, mask, dance and movement, mask and puppetry. As a working and touring theatre company we have produced several critically acclaimed staged theatrical performances in Sweden, including at Teater Halland, Skillinge Teater, in Malmö and in Lund, all created and directed by Artistic Director Mariana Araoz – including Katrin X (2020), Lady Macbeth (2022), Fores(t)empest (2023), choreography & movement for Amadeus (2024) and for THE TWO CHARACTER PLAY by Tennessee Williams (2024).
Founded in 2016, in Sweden, Theater In-Balance also works in collaboration with theatre company Collectif Masque, based at its own black box theatre La Maison de l'Équilibre du Genre (La MEG) in Paris, France. Theatre In-Balance offers specialised training in physical/ensemble theatre, movement, mask and puppetry at our Institute and in the form of master classes.
Theatre In-Balance (tidigare TMR), grundat 2016, med bas i Malmö, är ett flerspråkigt svensk-franskt teaterkompani och dramalabb som främjar balans ur ett könsöverskridande genusperspektiv och med en pro-ekologisk. Genom den unika ©In-Balance-metoden, skapad av Mariana Araoz, använder vi oss av mask-, dock-, objektteater och text. Metoden, som är inspirerad av bland annat Théâtre du Soleil, Bunraku och Kabuki-teatern, ser skådespelarens kropp som både skulptur och dramaturgi. Detta syns tydligt i våra produktioner Katrin X (2020), Lady Macbeth (2022), Fores(t)empest (2023), och senast i koreografin i Amadeus (2024) på Skillinge Teater.
Theatre In-Balance har skapat 3 internationella teaterfestivaler i Skillinge och Lund (2017, 2021 och 2024)
Theatre In-Balance är även ett systerföretag till Collectif Masque i Frankrike och har en egen scen i Paris
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